IRIS Portal

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R&I Ecosystem

Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy

The Deputy Ministry for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, is the competent authority for the design and implementation of the Government policy for Research and Innovation (R&I).

By supporting scientific research, investing in innovative entrepreneurship and implementing an ambitious digital transformation reform, the Deputy Ministry aspires to develop a modern and efficient state, competitive at European and international level, and a dynamic digital economy, where every citizen and every business will be able to grow and prosper.

National Board for Research and Innovation

The National Board for Research and Innovation (NBRI) is the advisory to the President of the Republic body for defining R&I strategy. The Council is responsible for promoting and implementing the National Strategic Framework for R&I, for submitting proposals and suggestions on strategy issues and for monitoring the implementation of actions adopted at policy level. The Council meets on a regular basis and its work is supported by the Chief Scientist (ex-officio member) and the competent Directorate of the Deputy Ministry for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, acting as NBRI secretariat.

Chief Scientist

The Chief Scientist coordinates and supervises the formulation of the national R&I policy and the overall operation of the National R&I Governance System, including the Departments and Bodies involved in both the political and operational levels. In addition, the Chief Scientist participates as ex-officio member and supports the work of NBRI to formulate proposals for the national R&I Strategy and its implementation and proposals regarding the structure and operation of the national R&I governance system.

Committee of Ministry Research and Innovation (R&I) Coordinators
The Committee of Ministry Research and Innovation (R&I) Coordinators operates under the Chairmanship of the Chief Scientist. Each Ministry appoints a R&I Coordinator as a focal point of communication for Research and Innovation matters.

Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF)

RIF is the executive arm of the National R&I Governance System.


Public & Private Universities

Research Centers

Public Research Institutions


Incubators/Accelerators/Co-working spaces/Makerspaces

Financing Institutions



Startups & Innovation Communities

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