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RTDI Strategy
R&I Strategy 2024-2026

The R&I Strategy 2024-2026 reflects the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus to promote and exploit research and innovation as pillars of sustainable development that contribute to the modernisation, attractiveness and competitiveness of the country.

It builds on the high momentum that Cyprus has developed in the fields of research and innovation, and envisages the next level of development by focusing on the exploitation of infrastructure, an outward-looking approach, and the linking of research with the industry, the labour market and business innovation.

The main objective of the Strategy is to contribute to the economic development of the country, contributing to the competitiveness of the economy and the attractiveness of Cyprus in the international environment as an investment and business destination.

R&I Strategy 2024-2026

Innovate Cyprus is the national strategy framework for research and innovation for the period 2019-2023. The vision of the strategy is to make Cyprus “a dynamic and competitive economy driven by research, scientific excellence, innovation, technological development and entrepreneurship and to become a regional hub in these fundamental areas”.

The Strategic Framework, revolves around nine strategic pillars and enablers: Governance, National Strategy for Research and Innovation, Research Excellence, Knowledge Transfer and Commercial Exploitation, Innovative Entrepreneurship, Cultural Change, International Dimension, Communication and Digital Transformation. The above-mentioned strategic pillars will be implemented through a series of policy measures and individual actions recorded in the Implementation Roadmap designed to cover the period 2019-2021, expecting to contribute substantially to the achievement of the vision.

Innovate Cyprus was prepared by the National Board for Research and Innovation, after an extensive consultation with private and public sector stakeholders (research and academic institutes, universities, Ministries, other organisations, etc.) and was presented to the President of the Republic of Cyprus in May 2019.

Smart Specialisation Strategy 2023-2030

Following instructions from the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) commissioned the Technopolis group to carry out a study to update the Smart Specialisation Strategy for Cyprus (S3CY). The study took into account (a) the conclusions of a previous study by the Technopolis group regarding the mid-term evaluation of the “RESTART 2016-2020” Programmes and Cyprus’ participation in the EU Framework Programme for R&I for the period 2014-2020 “Horizon 2020”, (b) horizontal and sectoral policies as well as initiatives and programmes, at national and European level and (c) the potential, needs and challenges of the Cyprus R&I ecosystem. In addition, views were collected, through the completion of a questionnaire, from institutions and companies participating in RESTART 2016-2020 and Horizon 2020 research projects.

For Calls for Proposals of the “RESTART 2016-2020” Programmes that will be announced after the 30th March 2023, day of approval of the updated Smart Specialisation Strategy by the Council of Ministers, the updated Priority Sectors and focus areas will apply (where required).

The Priority Sectors that have been identified through the S3Cy for the 2023-2030 period are divided into 4 categories, as follows:

  • Technological priority areas: include Digital Technologies and Advanced (Innovative) Materials
  • Ecosystems: include the sectors of Agrifood, Renewable Energy, Maritime and Shipping
  • Emerging ecosystems: currently include only the Space sector
  • Enablers: include Health and the Environment

Smart Specialisation Strategy 2023-2030

The Smart Specialisation Strategy is a comprehensive economic transformation agenda, tailored to the specifics needs of each region or country, aiming to contribute towards economic development.

The preparation and approval of the Smart Specialisation Strategy by the EU Member States was a key precondition set by the European Commission for the utilisation of European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF) for Research & Innovation (R&I) during the Programming Period 2014-2020.

The Smart Specialisation Strategy for Cyprus was prepared under the coordination of RIF, with the support of a research team by the Cyprus Technology University and was approved by the Council of Ministers in March 2015.

Its main goal is to ensure the rational and efficient use of ERDF funds by identifying niche areas of competitive strength for development and growth.

The priority areas highlighted through the Smart Specialisation Strategy for Cyprus are: Energy, Tourism, Structured Environment/Construction, Transport/Shipping, Agriculture/Food and Information and Communication Technologies and Environment as horizontal sectors. Specific focus areas were also identified within each priority areas. The priority areas and focus areas selected can make a significant contribution to the development of the economy via investment in research and innovation.

The main implementation tool of the Smart Specialization Strategy is the Strategy Action Plan, which includes among other measures and actions the RIF RESTART 2016-2020 Programmes.

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