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European Projects & Initiatives

The overarching goal of the TARGET Project is to contribute to the advancement of gender equality in R&I by supporting a reflexive gender equality policy in seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions in the Mediterranean area from countries that have been characterized as relatively inactive in developing gender equality policies in the field of R&I.

The consortium comprises of 10 Partner Institutions – including three research performing organizations; three research funding organizations; one network of universities and three supporting partners.

TARGET aims to build institutional capacity among Partners by supporting the development of competences in order to conduct a gender audit as well as design, implement, monitor and self-assess a tailored-made Gender Equality Plan.

The Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

More information is available on the Project website:

In the framework of EU funded project TARGET the following reports have been prepared:



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 741672.

The GENDERACTION Project proposes the creation of an innovative policy community for the implementation of the gender priority in the European Research Area (ERA) by setting up a network of national representatives from EU Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC).

The objective is to facilitate networking and exchange among more and less experienced countries to develop knowledge and build capacities, competences and know-how for gender equality and mainstreaming in R&I among European and national stakeholders.

Specific goals of the Project are to:

  1. Foster exchange in MS and AC in relation to building the ERA and implementing national ERA roadmaps through benchmarking the implementation of ERA priority 4,
  2. Build competences to implement gender equality policies and actions through mutual learning workshops and trainings for national representatives and relevant stakeholders such as Horizon 2020 NCPs, RFOs and RPOs,
  3. Advance gender equality and gender mainstreaming in R&I in Europe by providing strategic policy advice,
  4. Foster the inclusion of gender equality in international cooperation in science, technology and innovation (STI) through networking with relevant supranational and international bodies.

More information is available on the Project website:

The «She Figures» publication provides a range of indicators on gender equality in research and innovation at pan-European level. It aims to give an overview of the gender equality situation, using a wide range of indicators to examine the impact and effectiveness of policies implemented in this area.

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