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Diaspora – Expatriate Researchers
Overall Aims

The Cypriot Diaspora, which includes all the Cypriots permanently settled in foreign countries, has always been a particularly important asset for the economic and social life of our country. Cypriot Expatriates act as ambassadors of Cyprus abroad, they enrich the societies in which they live and work, and, by maintaining close ties with their home country, bring along valuable knowledge and experiences.

In the areas of Research and Innovation, in particular, a large number of Cypriot researchers work in foreign countries, and are distinguished for their work and contribution to several fields of science.

The RIF attributes particular importance to the potential contribution of Cypriot expatriate researchers and entrepreneurs. We therefore seek to develop a multilevel bilateral cooperation with this community, in order to enhance the research conducted in our country, facilitate international networking for our researchers, lay the foundations for research in new scientific fields, and improve the international outlook of innovative products and services produced in Cyprus.


Through several activities, the RIF has recently made systematic efforts to develop close contacts and high levels of cooperation with the Cypriot Diaspora. Despite some practical difficulties involved, this is an outstanding initiative to organize a dynamic network of Cypriot expatriate researchers from the various countries where they are active, and establish mutually beneficial ties with their country of origin.

One of our core activities is recording expatriate Cypriot researchers in a central database, with the purpose of keeping them informed about research and innovation activities in Cyprus, updating them with networking and financing opportunities available through national or European programs and initiatives, and encouraging the development of new partnerships.

In addition, there is an ongoing effort to explore new pathways of communication between domestic authorities and foreign bodies (like organized groups of Expatriate Cypriots). This effort aims, on the one hand, to develop more practical ways of communication, transfer of knowledge and networking, and, on the other hand, develop closer cooperation in the fields of research and innovation.

At the same time, by identifying the needs of individual researchers, we are exploring the prospect of creating new incentives and programs, expected to strengthen the current opportunities for cooperation and the implementation of joint actions.

To facilitate our activities in this area, we have sought cooperation and the exchange of good practices with other countries undertaking similar efforts, in order to develop new tools that will enhance our purpose to approach Cypriot, as well as Greek, Expatriate Researchers.

More specifically, relevant discussions have already taken place with the “Bridges of Knowledge and Cooperation” initiative. This initiative was established by the Greek government with the goal to provide networking opportunities for Greek nationals (entrepreneurs, professionals, academics, researchers), wherever they are based and whichever branch of social or economic life they are active in. Through this cooperation, we aim to build upon our existing communication channels and available technical tools, in order to develop closer contacts with Cypriot Expatriate researchers.

Expatriate Researchers Database

Those interested in joining the RIF’s Database of Expatriate Researchers, are invited to register through IRIS, the RIF’s portal for Electronic Services, by following this link, and entering their details in the relevant fields.

Academics, scientists or entrepreneurs who are active in any field of Research and Innovation, in any country abroad, can sign up in this database.

Please note that this invitation to register does not apply to students or postdoctoral researchers who have temporarily moved abroad for educational purposes.

For more information about enrolling in the database, or any other activity of our organization related to Expatriate Researchers, please contact the RIF.

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