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RIF’s Sponsorships Programme

The RIF’s Sponsorships Programme promotes the Foundation’s strategic goal of nurturing a Culture of Research and Innovation (R&I) in the ecosystem and the wider public through actions that support R&I, including skills development.

This Programme aims to support entities for the organisation of high-quality events with significant impact, with a central theme that aims to promote science, research and innovation, as well as the promotion of digital skills and STEM to the general public.

On the other hand, through the support of the participation of groups of students in International Competitions, the following are pursued:

  1. encouragement of interaction and engagement with science, research, technological development and innovation;
  2. enhancement of efforts to successfully participate in activities promoting extroversion and contributing to the visibility of their activities and Cyprus internationally, and
  3. contribution, in the long run, to nurturing a culture of research and innovation in society at large and in particular in the younger generation.

Specific Limitations

  • The same event or part of an event (including events within events) cannot be funded in the framework of two categories (Category A and B).
  • It is not allowed to apply for funding for two events so that one is hosted inside the other.
  • No application is allowed for events hosted between 15/04/2023 – 01/09/2023 that have been approved for funding from RIF’s Sponsorships Programme 2022.
  • Applications for medium scale events related to promotion of digital skills and STEM must fall under Category B2.

The organisation of the following events is not eligible for funding:

  • scientific conferences, workshops, info days to present the results of research projects or other activities aimed at a specific audience,
  • events that are not open to the public,
  • award ceremonies for competitions or other activities (unless they are part of the overall event),
  • events that have a similar objective and/or overlap with activities and/or events organised by the RIF, and
  • events that receive funding for the same activities from projects funded by the RIF or the EU and/or other sources.


Organisation of an Event

Beneficiaries: An application for sponsorship can be submitted by entities legally established and active in territories under the control of the Republic of Cyprus. The submission of applications by natural persons is not permitted.

The application must be about the organisation of an event that:

  1. has as its central theme the promotion of research, technological development and innovation, enhancing relevant actions of the RIF,
  2. aims to inform participants and raise public awareness regarding the importance and role of research, technological development and innovation, as well as to present relevant examples or achievements in a practical and comprehensive way,
  3. attracts a large audience, regardless of the target group (age, gender, etc.), and will be implemented in the period for which the corresponding application is submitted (1st Period: 15/04/2023 – 15/11/2023, 2nd Period: 16/11/2023 – 15/06/2024).

It is noted that, especially for Category B2, the scope of the event must be related to the promotion of digital skills and STEM, as well as their use in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Each application may include a large number of activities that are part of a single event (eg. festival).

Category ALarge Scale Events

Category A funds events with international reach mainly aiming at promoting research, technological development and innovation, enhancing relevant measures undertaken by RIF, promoting Cyprus as an R&I hub abroad. The event may be supported by more than one sponsors and part of the event income may be a result of ticket sales.

Each event to be funded under Category A must:

  • address an audience of more than 750 participants,
  • have a total budget exceeding 80.000 Euro,
  • have an international dimension and/or reach, aiming to attract participants and/or co-organisers from abroad,
  • include, among others, important presence of distinguished speakers on R&I matters from Cyprus and abroad, as well as actions encouraging mobilization and networking among members of the Cyprus R&I ecosystem, bringing together local and international entities and enterprises and/or supporting the development of R&I skills.
  • include in the event programme, to be submitted in advance:
    • Welcoming / keynote speech by the Chief Scientist for Research and Innovation of the Republic of Cyprus and / or a member of the RIF’s Board of Directors and / or the Director General of the RIF,
    • Panel discussion on a subject to be decided by the Chief Scientist / the RIF with a moderator and panel members to be defined by the Chief Scientist / the RIF.

A RIF kiosk on the premises where the event will be held, hosting two RIF staff members and 10 startups or other entities funded by the RIF.

Categories B1 and B2 – Medium Scale Events

Category B partially funds events with major reach mainly aiming at promoting research, technological development and innovation, enhancing relevant measures undertaken by RIF, and/or partially funds events contributing to the development of R&I skills, attracting audience from Cyprus including the local R&I ecosystem. The event may be supported by more than one sponsors and part of the event income may be a result of ticket sales.

In addition, Category B2 is exclusively about events that promote digital skills and STEM, as well as their use in innovation and entepreneurship.

Each event to be funded under Categories B1 and B2 must:

  • address an audience of more than 200 participants,
  • have a total budget exceeding 30.000 Euro,
  • include, among others, important presence of distinguished speakers on R&I matters from Cyprus and abroad or in the case of events contributing to the development of R&I skills, to be part of a wider initiative organised in more than ten countries.
  • include actions to mobilize the R&I ecosystem of Cyprus, encouraging networking and brining all local entities together.
  • Include in the event programme, which must be submitted to RIF in advance:
    • Welcoming / keynote speech by the Chief Scientist for Research and Innovation of the Republic of Cyprus and / or a member of the RIF’s Board of Directors and / or the Director General of the RIF,
    • Panel discussion on a subject to be decided by the Chief Scientist / the RIF with a moderator and panel members to be defined by the Chief Scientist / the RIF or a RIF Info-Corner and/or session to present and promote the role of the RIF and its activities during the event.
Representation of Cyprus in International Competitions

Category C funds groups of students that will be represent Cyprus in International science, research and innovation competitions abroad.

Beneficiaries: The sponsorship is given to a group of students from public and/or private schools and their coach/team leader, in the areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus, or occupied areas given that they are under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

In the framework of this Category, the term group includes:

  • the students taking part in the competition,
  • the team leader, who is an adult responsible for the participation of the students in the competition.

For competitions for individuals, the beneficiaries are the first three (3) winners in the final ranking of the National Competition (or Category of the National Competition).

For competitions for groups, the beneficiaries are the first three winning teams of the National Competition (or Category of the National Competition), with a maximum of six (6) members per team.

The application should be submitted by the team leader.

Each application in Category C must:

  • be about the participation of the group in competitive activities and the award ceremony of an established, important and highly publicised international open competition to be held abroad, on a subject related to research, technological development and innovation,
  • follow the completion of a competitive process at national level resulting in the selection of the group of students as representatives of Cyprus in the international competition.

Submission of Applications and Timeframe

The application is through the following application form. It should be submitted in PDF format at

Beneficiaries should submit their applications in Greek of English using the relevant application form, which should not exceed four (4) pages for Categories A, B1 and B2 and one (1) page for Category C.








Categories A, B1 and B2

Applications should fall under one of the two Period defined in this Call and before the deadline, as mentioned below.

1st Period: Application submission until 31/03/2023

Implementation Period: 15/04/2023 – 15/11/2023


2nd Period: Application submission until 31/10/2023

Implementation Period: 16/11/2023 – 15/06/2024

Category C

Applications must be submitted until 31/05/2024 or until budget exhaustion.


Applications in Categories A, B1 and B2 will be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee consisting of members of the Board of Directors (BoD) of the RIF, while applications for Category C will be evaluated internally.

The evaluation is based on the following Evaluation Criteria.

Categories A, B1 and B2
  • Compatibility of the event objectives with the objectives defined in this Call.
  • Impact with regards to promoting Cyprus as a Research and Innovation Hub abroad and/or the promotion of research, technological development and innovation, enhancing RIF’s relevant actions and/or the contribution to the development of skills and the successful participation of target audience.

For Categories A and B1, the following requirements need to be met.

Category A: Intention to invite at least ten venture capital investors from Cyprus and the international ecosystem, as well as successful serial entrepreneurs.

Category B1: Participation of Representatives from at least: two publicly funded research organizations, three privately funded research organizations, as well as more than ten innovative existing enterprises and startups (not applicable in the case of events addressing the development of skills).

  • Completeness and appropriateness of the project plan and media plan, as well as the activities in relation to the action’s objectives, timeline and budget.
  • Inclusion of all necessary actions to promote the RIF’s role and sponsorship, as defined in this Call.
  • Inclusion of all necessary actions to promote the RIF’s role and sponsorship, as defined in this Call.

Completeness, quality and capacity of the Beneficiary to organize the Event (at the level of the entity as a whole and/or individual team members) and implement the proposed objectives.

The Beneficiary must have previously organized at least two events of a similar scale in the last five years, one of which with a similar central theme.

The core members of the organizing team must have previous experience in implementing events of a similar scale and theme.

Category C
  • Compatibility of the objectives of the participation in the International Competition, with the objectives defined in this Call.
  • Inclusion of all necessary actions to promote the RIF’s role and sponsorship, as defined in this Call (such as press release, promotional material etc.).

The evaluation of proposals will take into account the extent to which each proposal addresses the different criteria, as well as the amount of sponsorship requested.

The RIF has the right to allocate the Call budget, regardless of the amount of requested sponsorship for each application. In addition, the RIF has the right not to use all the available budget for this Call. In case of available budget in a Category (excluding Category B2), RIF has the right to allocate the budget in other Categories.

Each entity will receive information regarding the evaluation outcome for each application, and the full list of sponsored actions (for Categories A, B1 and B2) will be made available on the RIF’s website (


Promotion of RIF’s role

The obligations of sponsored beneficiaries include (beyond those referred to in the description of each Category above) promotion of the role of RIF as a sponsor / supporter, using the official logo of the RIF and the inclusion of clear and distinct references, in all printed and electronic material promoting the event (programme, publications, posters, banners, advertising, website, social networks etc.) and media material (press releases, participation of event representatives in television and radio shows etc.).

Category A

The RIF must be presented as a Premium sponsor, ensuring that its role is adequately promoted within the event’s media and communications plan, before, during and after the event. Moreover, the organizer will have to provide ten (10) VIP tickets and ninety (90) regular tickets for RIF.

Part of the event income may be a result of ticket sales. The organizer will have to provide ten (10) VIP tickets and ninety (90) regular tickets for RIF.

Category B1

The RIF must be presented as main sponsor and organisers must ensure that the RIF’s role is adequately promoted within the event’s media and communications plan, before, during and after the event.

Category B2

In addition to the requirements for Category B1, the documents and promotional material of the event must:

  • The Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy must be presented as main sponsor (including use of the corresponding logo) and the RIF must be presented as sponsor. The organisers must ensure that the Deputy Ministry’s and RIF’s role is adequately promoted within the event’s media and communications plan, before, during and after the event.
  • In addition, the documents and promotional material of the event must acknowledge funding by the EU and the Recovery and Resilience Plan “Cyprus_tomorrow”, via the use of the corresponding logos as described in the relevant guide.

The relevant logos are available below:







Category C

The RIF must be presented as a sponsor, while the participation can be supported by other organisations. It must be ensured that the RIF’s role is adequately promoted within the event’s media and communications plan, before, during and after the event (e.g. mention RIF’s funding and use RIF’s logos in press release, social media posts, T-shirts printed etc.).

Completion of Activities

Ι) Organisation of an Event

Upon completion of the Event, the beneficiary must submit an Impact Assessment Report for the implemented activity to the RIF within one (1) month, at The Report should include a description regarding the achievement of the initial objectives and expected impact with specific reference to the overall participation and outreach of the event, as well as an analysis of the total expenses incurred for the event.


II) Representation of Cyprus in an International Competition

Upon completion of the participation in an International Competition, the student / student groups must submit an Activity Report to the RIF within one (1) month by filling the electronic application form below. The Report should describe the participation in the competition, the final ranking of the team (where applicable) and an analysis of expenses incurred in order for reimbursement to be provided.


Sponsorships 2021

In the framework of the RIF’s Sponsorship Program, the following sponsorships were granted:

Α/Α ΦΟΡΕΑΣ Εκδήλωση Εγκεκριμένο Ποσό
1 The Heart Group Φεστιβάλ Reflect €15.000
2 Cyprus IT Forum 3rd Cyprus IT Forum 2021 €15.000
3 S.K SMART COM Ltd Συνέδριο InfoCom Cyprus 2021 €1.000
4 Heron Digital Education & Mathisis Βicommunal STEM Science Fair €2.000
5 Epiteugma Training Center First Tech Challenge Cyprus 2022 €2.000
6 The Cyprus Institute Scyence Fair €2.000
7 JA Cyprus Junior Achievement Company Programme Finale €2.000
8 JA Cyprus Junior Achievement Startup Programme Finale €2.000
9 Retro Computing & Gaming LTD “From Hypatia to Sophie Wilson: women who defined the devel-opment of computers” €2.000
Α/Α ΦΟΡΕΑΣ Εκδήλωση Εγκεκριμένο Ποσό
1 Cyprus Computer Society Διαγωνισμός ROBOTEX €10.000
2 The G C School of Careers First Championship Competition €6.000
Sponsorships 2020

In the framework of the RIF’s Sponsorship Program, the following sponsorships were granted:

Α/Α ΦΟΡΕΑΣ Εκδήλωση Εγκεκριμένο Ποσό
1 The Heart Group Φεστιβάλ Reflect €35.000
2 Junior Achievement Annual Trade Fair €2.000
3 Global Training Life Changing Ideas €2.000
4 Cyprus Seeds Innovation Showcase Event €1.000
Sponsorships 2019

In the framework of the RIF’s Sponsorship Program, in 2019:

  • 18 applications for the organization of events covering a wide range of topics (astronomy, scientific festivals, interactive science and technology workshops, robotics competition, scientific cafes and public information conferences on research and innovation issues), and
  • the participation of 6 teams from Cyprus in international competitions received a sponsorship.
1 Uclan Cyprus Code Cyprus 2019 € 500
2 Cyprus Institute Φεστιβαλ επιστήμης SCYENCE Fair2019 € 5000
3 Retro Computing & Gaming LTD “Από τη Λαίδη Αυγούστα στην Grace Hopper: ο ρόλος των γυναικών στην εξέλιξη των υπολογιστών” € 3000
4 Frederick Enhancing Space Awareness in Cyprus through Space Weather Studies support application € 1500
5 Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας Stand up biology € 2000
6 Cyprus Computer Society – CCS Παγκύπριος Διαγωνισμός ρομποτικής Robotex € 5000
7 Sci – co How to K.I.S.S. better in science € 1.000
8 Ερατοσθένης Observing Earth from Space € 2.000
9 Ίδρυμα Θαλής Cyprus STEAME Communication Competition € 1000
10 Ιδεοδρόμιο Ο πρώτος άνθρωπος στο φεγγάρι € 2500
11 Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας 1ο Φεστιβάλ Κυπρολογικής Έρευνας” € 1000
12 Ηρων Δημιουργώντας δημιουργικούς δημιουργούς – Εργαστήρια εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής και προγραμματισμού στη σχολική αίθουσα € 2000
13 IDEA «Διαδραστικά Εργαστήρια» € 1000
14 Smartcom 11ο  Συνέδριο Τηλεπικοινωνιών, Πληροφορικής και Media «InfoCom Cyprus 2019» € 4000
15 Reflect  ltd Reflect festival 2019 € 4000
16 Retro Computing & Gaming LTD Εργαστήρια Μουσειακής Αγωγής Ιστορίας Υπολογιστών € 2000
18 Cyprus Space Foundation Παγκυπριος διαγωνισμός διαστημικής  και πυραυλικής € 4000
1 Robotron team FIRST Lego League World Festival € 3500
2 Επιτευγμα First Tech Challenge FTC 2019 € 5000
3 Vector “F1 in schools € 3000
4 Cleverbots – A δημοτικό Λεμεσου Robotex 2019 Tallin € 2500
5 Εργαστήρι πολιτισμού απόπλους Robotex 2019 Tallin € 1000
6 Οrion “F1 in schools € 3000

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