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Other Initiatives

One of the main goals of RIF is to promote and support the actions of raising awareness of the society in Cyprus on the importance of research and innovation to the advancement of society as well as their contribution to economic growth and improving the quality of life of the citizens. At the same time, RIF promotes and supports nurturing a culture of research and innovation in young people and generating new/better paid jobs.

Innovation Award

The Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB) has established since 2006 the “CYPRUS INNOVATION AWARD”. The Award is granted to either companies/organizations/services or other entities of the wider public sector, which prove to be successful in the implementation of innovative ideas/practices.

Under the general title: “Cyprus Innovation Award”, four individual awards are granted depending on the sector of activity, as follows:

  • Innovation Award for the Primary Sector
  • Innovation Award for the Manufacturing Sector
  • Innovation Award for the Services Sector
  • Innovation Award for the Public Sector

The “Cyprus Innovation Award” is supported by the Republic of Cyprus and has been placed under the auspices of the Minister of Energy Commerce & Industry. It is also actively supported by the Ministry of Energy, Commerce & Industry and the Research and Innovation Foundation.

In terms of eligibility, legal persons (company, cooperative, other legal entity), as well as other public sector agencies / organizations operating in Cyprus can participate if they can prove that they have been innovative and successful in the implementation of their innovation.

Digital Championship

The Digital Champion of each EU Member State undertakes initiatives to promote the benefits of the development and use of information and communication technologies and the acquisition of digital skills. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry Dr Stelios Himonas has been appointed as Digital Champion for Cyprus.

The Digital Championship (DC) is carried out under the auspices of the Cyprus Digital Champion. DC is a digital innovation competition aiming to promote digital innovation, as well as to encourage innovation to pupils, students and SMEs. Projects submitted to the competition fall under one of the following categories:

  • Projects using technology to solve social problems and / or improve citizens’ quality of life (e.g. addressing social, cultural or environmental issues).
  • Projects focusing on the design and development of innovative digital products and services that are in line with the priorities of the Digital Agenda (e.g. eCommerce, FinTech, e-Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, e-Governance, e-Health, etc.).

The competition also aims to promote new trends in the global industry, through special awards in specific categories of technologies which are not so widespread in Cyprus.

The scope of the Digital Championship varies according to the category of participants, but a common parameter is the familiarization of the participants with the Digital Agenda and the development of an innovative model or functional prototype or digital product or service.

The Research and Innovation Foundation is actively involved in the organisation of the event and is supporting it financially.

More information can be found in the following link:

FameLab® Cyprus

Based on the highly successful FameLab® UK modelFameLab® Cyprus is a national talent competition to find the best new talent in science communication. The competition’s main goal is to encourage young people with a passion for science and technology to share their enthusiasm and knowledge with the general public. FameLab Cyprus is organized by the Research and Innovation Foundation, the British Council and SciCo Cyprus.

The aim of the competition is to encourage scientists, engineers, technologists and mathematicians to inspire and excite public imagination, by developing their ideas and presentation skills for a TV and non-specialist audience.

Entrants have three minutes to impress the judges and the public by giving an entertaining and original oral presentation that is scientifically accurate and also engaging to a non-scientific audience.

The competition is open to anyone aged 18 or over working in or studying science, technology, engineering, mathematics or medicine with a very good knowledge of the English language.

The ten finalists of the preliminary national competition win a two-day ‘MasterClass’ in science communication led by a qualified UK trainer, where they will learn media and presentation skills. The three top finalists will win cash prizes.

The winner of FameLab® Cyprus will also win an all-expenses paid trip to the Cheltenham Science Festival in Cheltenham, where he/she will represent Cyprus in the FameLab® International competition, which takes place in the UK every year.

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