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European Researchers’ Night

The European Researchers ’Night event aims to encourage the public to become familiar with the world of science and research and at the same time to strengthen the public image of researchers, whilst highlighting the important role they play in society.

Through a festive atmosphere, the event brings together the general public, regardless of age, gender, educational or social level with the research teams, as an opportunity to find out more their work and get to know aspects of their personality beyond their scientific activity. At the same time, through activities that focus on nurturing a culture of research and innovation, the event aims to encourage young people to pursue professional careers in research and in the wider field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

More than 1,500,000 visitors take part each year in this science and research festival, which takes place every last Friday in September in more than 350 cities across Europe.

The activities presented are interactive and encourage the active participation of the public. Visitors of all ages can take part in experiments, use the latest technology for performing simulations, chat with researchers, test their knowledge through competitions and have fun with music, theater and other events included in the programme.

The annual event is an initiative of the European Commission and is funded through the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) of the EU’s Framework-Programme for Research and Innovation. The main objective of the event is to nurture a research and innovation culture and raise awareness with regards to the research activity implemented by universities, research centres and innovative companies in our country.

European Researchers’ Night 2024: MISSION POSSIBLE

The European Researchers’ Night, celebrating research, innovation and science, organized in Cyprus by the Research and Innovation Foundation since 2006, will take place on Friday, September 27th, 2024 at the premises of the Cyprus State Fair in Nicosia.

As part of the event, scientists, academics, researchers and entrepreneurs will leave their workplaces for a while to present their activities and achievements to the public.

This year’s event is entitled “MISSION POSSIBLE”, having once again as a main theme the five (5) EU Missions, bold actions with ambitious yet achievable goals, aiming to address some of the greatest challenges facing our society: “Adaptation to Climate Change”, “Cancer”, “Healthy Ocean and Waters”, “Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities” and “Healthy Soils and Food”.

The event is complemented by a wide range of activities, competitions and other initiatives, which are implemented throughout the year, under the framework of the European Researchers’ Night 2024 (“Science Unfold” & “eBook” Student Competitions, “Researchers at Schools” Programme, etc.).

For the event’s Full Programme of activities and R&I Exhibition participants click here.

The event is organized in the framework of the EU-funded Project “MISSION POSSIBLE: RESEARCHERS ON BOARD FOR AN INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FUTURE”, Grant Agreement No 101160964, which is funded by “Horizon Europe”, the EU framework programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027.

European Researchers’ Night 2023: Mission: CONNECT

The European Researchers’ Night celebrating research, innovation and science, organized in Cyprus by the Research and Innovation Foundation since 2006, will take place on September 29th, 2023. Ιn the framework of the event entitled Mission: CONNECT, scientists, academics, researchers and entrepreneurs will present their activities and achievements to the public.

The main theme of the event will be the EU Missions, bold actions with ambitious yet achievable goals, aiming to address some of the greatest challenges facing our society.  The five Missions are Adaptation to Climate Change, Cancer, Ocean Seas and Waters, Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, Soil Health and Food.

The event will take place at the State Fair in Nicosia.

For the event’s Full Programme of activities and R&I Exhibition participants click here.

The event will be organized in the frame of the EU-funded Project CONNECT, Grant Agreement No. 101060913, which has received funding from Horizon Europe, the EU’s framework programme for Research and Innovation.

European Researchers’ Night 2022: Mission: INSPIRE

The European Researchers’ Night celebrating research, innovation and science, organized in Cyprus by the Research and Innovation Foundation since 2006, will take place on September 30th, 2022. Ιn the framework of the event entitled Mission: INSPIRE, scientists, academics, researchers and entrepreneurs will present their activities and achievements to the public.

The main theme of the event will be the EU Missions, bold actions with ambitious yet achievable goals, aiming to address some of the greatest challenges facing our society.  The five Missions are Adaptation to Climate Change, Cancer, Ocean Seas and Waters, Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, Soil Health and Food.

The event will be organized in the frame of the EU-funded Project CONNECT, Grant Agreement No. 101060913, which has received funding from Horizon Europe, the EU’s framework programme for Research and Innovation.

European Researchers’ Night 2021: ENGAGE

The annual event of research, science and innovation attracted a record number of visitors. ERN 2021 took place on September 24, 2021 and was organised for the 15th time by the Research and Innovation Foundation in collaboration with the main bodies from the research and innovation ecosystem. The event took place in digital form and was under the auspices of the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Mr. Kyriakos Kokkinos.

European Researchers’ Night 2021 engaged the public who had the opportunity to take a tour of an impressive digital exhibition area with 72 booths, 300 researchers from the research and business community of Cyprus. Online visitors enjoyed a rich program that included, among other things, interactive games, prizes, interesting activities and experiments.

The main theme of the event entitled ENGAGE – European researchers ’Night in Cyprus: the diGitAl and Green Age, promoted the transition to the digital and green age, inspired by the European Green Deal and the EU Digital Strategy.

The event featured the S-FACTOR competition on science communication by students, as well as the short story writing competition for an e-book entitled “Brainy and Genie’s magical journey into the digital and green age!” which was illustrated and offered as a digital souvenir to all participants in the event.

This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101036068.

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