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The Foundation
Establishment and Role

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) is the national authority in charge of supporting and promoting research, technological development and innovation in Cyprus.

The RIF was established in 1996, following an initiative by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, with the initial name of Research Promotion Foundation (RPF). The RIF is a private legal entity structured as a non-profit organization, and is registered as an Institution, under the Societies and Institutions Laws. The significant role of scientific research in modern socio-economic development, as well as the vital need to enhance research activities and infrastructures in Cyprus, were determining factors for the founding of the RIF.

Since its establishment, the Foundation has developed widespread activities at the National, European and International levels, with a strong focus on the development of national research programs, as well as the representation of Cyprus in European and International programs and organizations. Following a relevant decision by the Council of Ministers in 2007, the Foundation expanded its range of activities to also support and advance Innovation in Cyprus.

After a further decision by the Council of Ministers in October 2018, for the overall restructuring of the Research, Technological Development and Innovation System in Cyprus, the Foundation was renamed to Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), and took over the role of the executive arm of this System.

Annual Report

The RIF’s Annual Reports are comprehensive reports on the Foundation’s activities throughout the preceding year. They provide information about the Foundation’s main activities and its financial statements.

The Annual Reports are submitted to the Parliament of Cyprus in order to inform the Members of the Parliament about the Foundation’s work as well as its contribution to the advancement of scientific research, technological development and innovation in Cyprus.

For the purposes of transparency and information of the society, the Annual Reports are available to the public.

Annual Report RIF 2023

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