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Organizational Structure

In order to improve its operation and efficiency, the Foundation proceeded during 2017 to implement a new Operational Model including a new Organizational Structure.

According to the new Organizational Structure, the Board of Directors is the highest governing body of the Foundation and the general management is the responsibility of the Director General.

The activities of the Foundation are divided into five (5) Units:

the Strategic Planning Unit,
the Research and Innovation Projects Unit,
the Promotion and Advisory Services Unit,
the Administration and Finance Unit and
the Innovation Unit.

In order to strengthen horizontal cooperation and synergy between the Units as well as increase efficiency, the Foundations’ new organizational structure, combines the departmental organization with elements of “matrix” organization.

The Organizational chart of the Research and Innovation Foundation includes three levels. At the first level is the Board of Directors of the Foundation, at the second the General Directorate and the management of human resources office and at the third the five Units of the Foundation.


The Strategic Planning Unit is responsible for designing and monitoring the Foundation’s strategy. The responsibilities of the Unit include the planning and evaluation of the programs and calls announced by RIF, the participation of RIF in various programs, RIFs’ representation in committees and international initiatives, the monitoring of the Foundation’s performance, the contribution to the development of the Research and Innovation Ecosystem in Cyprus, the management of issues related to the EU Investment and Structural Funds, the issues of State Aid as well as the development of a Central Office for Technology Transfer.

The Research and Innovation Projects Unit is responsible for the management and monitoring of research projects for RIFs’ Programs from the submission of proposals stage to the completion of research projects. More specifically, the Unit’s responsibilities include the management and evaluation of research proposals, the monitoring of the research project implementation, the financial audit as well as the legal issues related to the research projects. The Unit is also responsible for the activities of the Public to Public Programs in which RIF participates.

The Promotion and Advisory Services Unit is responsible for providing to the public information and advisory services for all the activities of the Foundation. The Unit is responsible for promoting Cyprus’ participation in the “Horizon 2020” Program and the “Horizon Europe” Program. Units’ responsibilities include the promotion of research, technological development and innovation culture, the organization and participation in events and competitions, the management of sponsorships offered by RIF as well as the promotion of the Foundation in general.

The Administration and Finance Unit is responsible for issues related to the Foundation’s administrative and financial services. More specifically, the activities of the Unit include the preparation of the budget and financial statements, the accounting management, IT and technology infrastructure, the archiving issues, public procurement and tender procedures, health and safety, as well as the Foundations procedures.

RIF’s Innovation Unit aims to contribute to the development of the Cypriot innovation ecosystem. The Unit is responsible for the design of Programmes and other incentives to promote innovation, the contribution in the development and implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship policies, the provision of consulting services in intellectual property issues, partnering, innovation management, access to public and private funding for businesses and the management of coaching and mentoring activities for RIF funded Projects.

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