Registration to the E.C. Experts Database – Special invitation to the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)

The Research and Innovation Foundation would like to remind that the European Commission encourages the registration to its Experts Database, which is used for the evaluation of proposals submitted in Programmes, such as Horizon Europe, the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027, but also in other occassions requiring consulting and expert opinion, such as evaluation of Programmes and policies.

Interested persons are invited to read the Call for Expression of Interest for Experts, that remains open to the public and register via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.

Already registered experts are encouraged to update their personal profile through the field «My Expert Area» in their personal account, as updating increases the chances of being selected in upcoming Calls for Proposals.

Experts from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) are particularly encouraged to register, as there is increasing need for their expertise. A particular need has emerged for the registration of experts coming from the Social Sciences and Humanities and being able to contribute to the evaluation of projects in the fields of climate, energy and mobility and the social dimensions of research and innovation in these areas, in the frame of the Calls of Cluster 5 “Climate, Energy, Mobility”. These experts, apart from the registration to the E.C. Experts Database, are kindly requested to also complete the following form.

More information is available here.