Programme – Excellence Hubs

Programme Excellence Hubs
Call Identifier EXCELLENCE/0524
Budget 12.000.000 Euro

5.000.000 Euro for “Life Sciences”

5.000.000 Euro for “Physical Sciences and Engineering”

2.000.000 Euro  for “Social Sciences and Humanities”

Maximum funding/project  200.000 Euro for “Life Sciences” and “Physical Sciences and Engineering”  120.000 Euro for “Social Sciences and Humanities”

In case of a collaboration between at least one privately funded research center / university and a publicly funded research center / university, the Maximum Funding per Project becomes as follows:

250.000 Euro for “Life Sciences” and “Physical Sciences and Engineering”  150.000 Euro for “Social Sciences and Humanities”

Addressed to Research Organisations (A1, A2), Enterprises (B1, B2, B3), Other Organisations (C1, C2)
Scope The “Excellence Hubs” Programme aims to promote scientific excellence, which is a fundamental part for the sustainable development of the Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) System, through the funding of pioneering research projects in cutting-edge fields. Additionally, the Programme aims to contribute towards creating growth prospects for the local economy and to tackle social and other contemporary challenges.
Eligible Costs Personnel costs, Cost for Foreign Research Organisations, Instruments and Equipment Costs, Costs for External Services, Costs for Travelling Abroad, Consumables, Other Specific Costs, Overheads.

The calculation of the Proposal Budget will be based on the simplified cost method “Personnel costs plus 40% on Personnel Costs for covering the rest of the Project costs”.

Project Activities Projects can include Basic Research and/or Industrial Research.
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1-4
Closing date 5 July 2024, 13:00
Proposal submission Through RIF’s IRIS portal.