Participation in the WISTA International Conference 2024 with theme “Excellence in Maritime and International Trade driven by Innovation”: Expression of Interest for the participation of Cypriot Start Ups and Research Organizations.

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces a Call for Expressions of Interest for the selection of Cypriot start-ups, innovative businesses and research organizations that will participate in the conference (WISTA International Conference 2024 with the theme “Excellence in Maritime and International Trade driven by Innovation”), which will take place in Limassol, on 09 – 11th October 2024 and the cost of participation will be covered by RIF.

Attending the conference is an opportunity for learning and networking and is designed to combine industry knowledge with shipping and innovation.

WISTA International is a community of more than 5,000 shipping professionals, in more than 55 countries and is central to the global shipping scene. With members in key positions in all shipping and commercial sectors, the conference is expected to attract to Limassol all major shipping players.

The participation of Cyprus in the conference is an initiative of RIF for the promotion of the Cypriot innovation ecosystem and the support of domestic start-ups, innovative companies and research organizations active in shipping matters, especially those that have been funded by the Foundation’s Programs.

The right to submit Expression of Interest for participation in the WISTA International Conference 2024 is for entities that are economically active in the shipping sector and in areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus, as follows:

  1. Start up that has signed a contract as Host Organisation in the frame of the RIF Programmes.
  2. Research Organisations that have signed a contract as Host Organisation in the frame of the RIF Programmes.
  3. Enterprise “Innovation Certificate” holder.

Organizations that fall into the above categories have the right to participate, if they do not show any debt to the RIF and/or have not been imposed any sanction by the RIF.

For the Call purposes it is clarified that Start Ups are companies up to five (5) years from the date of their registration with a technological orientation and potential for high growth rate, which are set up with the aim of developing a product/service which is intended to be marketed internationally.

Additionally, it is clarified that the organisations can participate through their representatives who should be either founders of the organisation, or shareholders or hold an organic position in the company.

Expression of interest can be submitted at this link. The deadline for submission of expressions of interest is 30th September 2024 at 13:00.


Call for Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest Submission Form

Single Undertaking Declaration


More information can be found in the Call for Expression of Interest and on the website of the event.