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WEBINAR FOR THE “European Partnerships – SBEP” (EP/SBEP/0324)

The Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF) organised on the…
28/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Webinar for the “European Initiatives – National Development (PRIMA)” Programme (P2P/PRIMA/0324)

The Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF) organised on the…
28/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

BRIDGE2HORIZON Programme – Complete of the Submission of Proposals for the BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823C Call

The submission of proposals for call BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823C of…
26/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Webinar for the New Calls for Proposals of the “European Partnerships – SBEP” Programme (EP/SBEP/0324)

Following the announcement of the new call for proposals of the…
21/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Announcement of Evaluation Results for the DISRUPT/0123(B) Call of the “DISRUPT” Programme

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the evaluation…
19/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Networking Opportunities in the Frame of the EUROSTARS Programme

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), informs interested…
19/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

New Call for Proposals of the «European Partnerships – SBEP» (EP/SBEP/0324)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the 2nd…
13/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Innovation Factory’s Bootcamp – New Product Development on 27 March 2024

Innovation Factory’s Bootcamp for Start-ups, Spinouts, and…
13/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Webinar for the New Calls for Proposals of the “European Initiatives – National Development (PRIMA)” Programme (P2P/PRIMA/0324)

Following the announcement of the new call for proposals of the…
12/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

New Call for Proposals of the «PRIMA» Programme (P2P/PRIMA/0324)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the new…
11/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Call for Proposals for the «European Partnerships – Eurostars-3» Programme (EP/EUROSTARS-3/0324)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the new…
01/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Webinar for New Calls for Proposals of the BILATERAL/ISRAEL(MOST)/0224

Following the announcement of the New Call for Proposals BILATERAL/ISRAEL(MOST)/0224,…
01/03/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Announcement of Call Results SPONSORSHIPS/0323 – Large and Medium Scale Events (Categories A & B)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the results…
29/02/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Announcement of Evaluation Results for the DISRUPT/0123(B) Call of the “DISRUPT” Programme

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the evaluation…
21/02/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas


The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the evaluation…
19/02/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Announcement of Evaluation Results for the CONCEPT/0823 Call of the “Proof of Concept for Technology/Knowhow Applications” Programme

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the evaluation…
12/02/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Announcement of Evaluation Results for the CODEVELOP-AG-SH-HE/0823 Call of the «CO-DEVELOP PROGRAMME»

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the evaluation…
05/02/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Free tickets available for 4YFN 2024, 26-29 February 2024 Barcelona

The Research and Innovation Foundation (R&I) is offering…
02/02/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

COMPLETION OF THE SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS FOR THE NCC-CY-ENTERPRISES/1223 CALL OF THE «Enhancing Cybersecurity for Cypriot Small and Medium Enterprises 2023» PROGRAMME

The submission of proposals for call NCC-CY-ENTERPRISES/1223…
01/02/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Special Webinar on Building and Managing an Entrepreneurial Company, February 1, 9AM – 10:30 AM

Doing a start-up or spin-out is challenging. This webinar from…
26/01/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Amendment of the BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823C Call for Proposals

Following the announcement of evaluation results for the 1st…
22/01/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Innovation Factory’s Bootcamp for Entrepreneurs and Innovators – Register Now!

The Research and Innovation Foundation announces the opening…
17/01/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Announcement of Evaluation Results for the “BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823” (1st Cut Off date) of the “BRIDGE2HORIZON Programme”

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the evaluation…
12/01/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Proposal screening for Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), would like to remind…
08/01/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas
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