New Calls for Proposals Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” for 2023-2024 and upcoming events
The European Commission, announced on 6 December 2022 the Work Programme 2023-2024 for Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the EU, “Horizon Europe” 2021-2027.
The budget of the new Work Programme 2023-2024 is more than 500 million Euros and it is divided into three thematic Destinations:
1) Innovative Research on Democracy and Governance.
2) Innovative Research on European Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries – Building our future from the past.
3) Innovative Research on Social and Economic Transformations.
In the frame of these three Destinations, 7 Calls for Proposals are expected to be announced, including around 56 different topics. The first 2023 deadlines are on 14 March 2023, while for the 2024 calls on 7 February 2024.
As part of the promotion of the new Work Programme 2023-2024, the following events will be organised:
- 17 January 2023: Online Info-day for the presentation of the 2023-2024 Work Programme. More information is available here.
- 18 January 2023: Online Brokerage Event on the 2023 Calls for Proposals, to help potential applicants network, find partners and build consortia, in collaboration with Net4SocietyHE the project of the Cluster 2 National Contact Points (NCPs). For more information follow the link. The event will include online meetings with potential partners interested in the same 2023 topics, that participants will be able to arrange via a user-friendly matchmaking tool, flash presentations of ideas in a dedicated session for those interested to showcase their idea and more. Finally, in collaboration with NCP_WIDERA-NET, the NCPs’ project for “Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA”, participants will have the opportunity to be informed about additional opportunities, such as the Hop on Facility, especially dedicated to Widening countries, such as Cyprus, travel grants to participate in brokerage events or study visits, and more.
- 19 January 2023: Online pre-proposal screening event, in collaboration with the Net4SocietyHE project, during which potential applicants will be able to discuss their proposal with experienced evaluators and National Contact Points (NCPs), in order to get valuable feedback and increase their chances of being funded. Applications are accepted until the 9th of January 2023, via the following link.
For more information, please contact the National Contact Point (NCP) for Cluster 2: Ms Katerina Karakasidou, email:, tel: 22205036.