New Call for Proposals of the «Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity – MSCA » Programme (OPPORTUNITY – MSCA/1223)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the new call for proposals for the «Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity – MSCA » Programme (OPPORTUNITY – MSCA/1223).

The call budget is €2.200,000, and the maximum funding per project is €170.000.

Proposals have to be submitted through the IRIS portal and the deadline for submitting proposals is 26 April 2024, time 13:00.

The “Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity“ Programme’s objective is to provide a second opportunity to entities and natural persons (researchers) who attempted to receive a grant under Horizon Europe Programme, and whose proposals despite of being of high quality did not manage to secure funding due to budget exhaustion. The «HORIZON EUROPE- 2nd Opportunity -MSCA» Call for Proposals offers a second opportunity to researchers who attempted to obtain a grant under the “Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions – Postdoctoral Fellowships” Action of the Horizon Europe, whose proposals were eligible for funding, but did not manage to secure a grant due to budget exhaustion and received a Seal of Excellence.

The present Call will be co-financed by the Republic of Cyprus and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the frame of the Operational Programme «ΘΑλΕΙΑ» 2021-2027 under Priority 1: «Competitive, Smart and Digital Economy» and the Specific Objective (1i): «Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies».

Entities eligible to participate in this programme include Research Organisations (Α.1, Α.2),

For information regarding the RIF’s open calls, as well as useful documents and guides, interested parties can visit the IRIS portal.

For further information, interested parties may contact the RIF’s Partner Support Center by phone on 22205000 or via email at