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Central Knowledge Transfer Office RIF

The RIF operates the Central Knowledge Transfer Office offering a wide range of Knowledge Transfer and Commercialization Services to all R&I performing organizations in Cyprus.

The services are free of charge

By applying via the IRIS portal, following one of the 3 available paths:

PATH 1: Fast-Track: process addressed to beneficiaries of projects funded under specific RIF programmes:

  • “PRE-SEED Programme” (Call Identifier: PRE-SEED/1221)
  • “SEED Programme” (Call Identifier: SEEDBy applying through the IRIS Portal, through two different Calls: The Paths 1 and 2 Call is only for beneficiaries of specific RIF programs as described below:PATH 1: Fast-Track Process for beneficiaries of the following RIF programs:
    • “PRE-SEED Programme” (Call Identifier: PRE-SEED/1221)
    • “SEED Programme” (Call Identifier: SEED/1221)
    • “INNOVATE Programme” (Call Identifier: INNOVATE/1221)
    • “CO-DEVELOP Programme” (Call Identifier: CO-DEVELOP-GT/0322)
    • “CO-DEVELOP Programme” (Call Identifier: CO-DEVELOP-ICT-HEALTH/0322)

    PATH 2: Direct Entry for beneficiaries of funded projects from specific RIF Programmes, the Calls of which make it mandatory to receive the services of the CTS in the context of Initial Engagement.

    For the Path 1 and 2 Calls, click on the name.

    The PATH 3: Open Call is open to any eligible organisations or individuals implementing any other R&I projects, whether funded by RIF programmes but not falling under Paths 1 and 2 or by other public or private resources, including their own internal funding.

    For the Path 3 Call click on the name.

    The CKTO – GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS helps you correctly submit an application, click on the name of the Guide to download it.

    The CKTO – FRAMEWORK OF OPERATIONS and the CKTO – FRAMEWORK OF OPERATIONS – APPENDIX I are also available for download on IRIS. Click on the document name you wish to read to download it.

    All these documents may also be fund by going directly to IRIS.

  • IP OWNERSHIP ASSESSMENT: Supporting in determining ownership of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and the relevant required agreements between the parties involved.
  • PATENT LANDSCAPING: Analysis of the relevant patent or other IP scope and initial investigation of the size and needs of the market and the competitive position of the technology.
  • IP PROTECTION STRATEGY: Assessing patentability (or other IPR), and identifying pre-existing knowledge and advice on developing the IPR protection strategy.
  • COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY ASSESSMENT: Assessing the commercial outlook of the results taking into account market considerations, the economic value of the technology and the relevant IPRs.
  • TECHNOLOGY MARKETING: Identifying and facilitating communication with potential partners at national and international level.
  • SUPPORT IN DEAL MAKING: Supporting the preparation of KT cooperation agreements with potential industry partners, investors, etc.

Through the IP Voucher Programme, which is complementary to CKTO services, the RIF provides funding to cover specific costs related to the acquisition, validation and protection of patents and/or other intellectual asset protection.

The CKTO offers trainings to develop commercialization skills and competences in the domestic R&I ecosystem in collaboration with the RIF’s Innovation Factory Program. It also supports the creation of networking mechanisms between the research community and industry, as well as the preparation of supporting material for commercialization of research results (guides, model agreements for licensing and other technology transfer activities, etc.).

Beneficiaries of the services of the CKTO may be:

  • Organisations (including enterprises)
  • natural persons, or
  • Joint ventures

who are legally established and operating in areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus, and who have implemented or are implementing a Research, Development and/or Innovation (RDI) project, resulting in a bundle of intangible assets in which they have any ownership or other legal right. Projects can be funded either by RIF or by other public or private sources.
To access the services and become a beneficiary, please submit an application as described above under “How to get the KT Services.”

The services are provided free of charge by the RIF CKTO Program Manager and the META Group experts. META was selected through a competitive procurement process to be the RIF contractor for these services.

The CKTO operation is funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Cyprus – Tomorrow and its services are complementary to the R&I funding programmes provided by the RIF aiming to enhance the impact of the investment made in R&I.

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