European Researchers’ Night 2022: Call for Expressions of Interest for the participation of Organisations of the R&I ecosystem

Due to increased interest, the deadline for Expression of Interest is extended to Friday, 10 June 2022.


The European Researchers’ Night celebrating research, innovation and science, organized in Cyprus by the Research and Innovation Foundation since 2006, will take place on September 30th, 2022. Ιn the framework of the event entitled Mission: INSPIRE, scientists, academics, researchers and entrepreneurs will present their activities and achievements to the public.

For the purposes of the event, the RIF announces an open Call for the submission of Expressions of Interest by entities of the Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystem, giving them the opportunity to participate in the event with novel activities and booths to be included in the Exhibition Hall.

Activities should be interactive, making use of a variety of tools (experiments, videos, audio, games, simulations, quizzes, mobile applications, use of scientific equipment, painting, crafts, etc.) to communicate the main messages, providing the public with the opportunity to participate actively. In addition, activities specifically targeting children and students are encouraged.

The main theme of the event will be the EU Missions, bold actions with ambitious yet achievable goals, aiming to address some of the greatest challenges facing our society.  The five Missions are Adaptation to Climate Change, Cancer, Ocean Seas and Waters, Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, Soil Health and Food.

In order to participate in the event, interested entities are requested to submit their Expression of Interest through an online form by Wednesday, June 8th, 2022.

Due to the restricted number of available booths in the Exhibition Area, interactive activities related to the main theme will be given priority.

More information regarding the European Researchers’ Night event can be found on the RIF website. Any questions regarding the Call for Expressions of Interest can be submitted to Dr. Stamatis Dimopoulos by phone (+357 22205059) or e-mail (

The event is organized in the framework of the EU funded Project CONNECT, Grant Agreement No. 101060913, which has received funding by the EU’s Horizon Europe Programme for Research and Innovation.

All health protocols and protection measures against COVID-19 in effect at the time of the implementation of the event will be applied.