European Partnership Opens a New Era in Rare Disease Research

Recognizing the importance of research for the treatment of rare diseases and aiming to strengthen efforts to implement high quality research projects in this field, the Republic of Cyprus decided to participate in the European Partnership ERDERA.

Today, around 7000 rare diseases affect more that 300 million people worldwide, most rare and ultra rare diseases still lack a therapeutic option. Patients endure a long journey to receive a diagnosis, however, while around 50% of patients never obtain a definitive molecular diagnosis.

To address these important issues, the European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA) has been set up to build on the results of the former EU-funded projects such as SOLVE-RD, ERICA and the European Joint Programme for Rare Diseases (EJP RD), the previous Partnership.

The Partnership aims to bring under one roof the knowledge, resources and services, boost clinical research and spur innovation to make Europe a world leader in this field.

With an estimated overall budget of 380 million euros until 2031, ERDERA aims to have a major impact on rare diseases by supporting patient driven research to develop new treatments and diagnostic pathways and harnessing the potential of health and research data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital technologies.

The European Partnership ERDERA which is coordinated by the National Institute of Health and Medical Research – INSERM (France) kicked off in September 2024. In the Partnership participate more than 170 organisations from 37 countries such as research institutes, patients’ organisations, european research infrastructures, pharmaceutical and technology companies, public funding agencies, regulatory institutions, healthcare authorities, hospitals, universities and medical associations.

The European Union is expected to contribute around 150 million euros to this co-funded Partnership via Horizon Europe, while the rest of the funding will come from members states, countries associated to Horizon Europe, etc.

The Research and Innovation Foundation is expected to announce the National Call for Proposals alongside the ERDERA Transnational Call for Proposals in December 2024.

Useful links:

ERDERA Website