IRIS Portal

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Σε κάθε περίπτωση θα πρέπει να είναι έντονη η παρουσία του IRIS portal.

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion

The EURAXESS Network, which consists of 40 participating countries and more than 500 Service Centers, aims to provide assistance to researchers and their families on issues related to their mobility.

Through the initiatives of the European Network of Mobility Centers (EURAXESS Services) and the European Mobility Researchers Portal (EURAXESS), EURAXESS provides information on available work positions, funding opportunities and grants, practical information and services, as well as anything else that could be useful to researchers.

RIF’s Role

The Research and Innovation Foundation coordinates as Bridgehead Organisation the Euraxess activities in Cyprus, while also hosting one of the national EURAXESS Service Centers, offering information and advice to Mobile Researchers, both foreign researchers who wish to work in Cyprus and Cypriot researchers wishing to work abroad.

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