Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” – Information, brokerage and pre-proposal check events

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) would like to inform interested parties on the upcoming online info-day organised by the European Commission on the 18 October 2023, for the 2024 Calls of Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”, which is part of Horizon Europe, the Framework Programme of the EU for Research and Innovation 2021-2027.

Subsequently, the Net4Society project of the National Contact Points for Cluster 2, will organise an online Brokerage Event on 19 October 2023. The event aims to facilitate the creation of consortia that will submit proposals under the 2024 Cluster 2 Calls. Registration is open via the B2match platform.

Then, on 8 November 2023, Net4Society organises an Online Pre-Proposal Check event, during which applicants that have a draft of their proposal ready, will meet with experienced evaluators and National Contact Points, in 45 minute meetings, during which they will receive useful feedback and tips on how to improve their proposals. The submission of applications is open until 18 October 2023 via the following link.

For more information, please contact the National Contact Point of Cyprus for Cluster 2 – “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”, Ms Katerina Karakasidou (