Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) – New Call for Proposals for 2023 & Infoday 20/04/2023

The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) that funds projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in…

Change of deadlines for the DISRUPT Programme

The Research and Innovation Foundation announces the following changes in the DISRUPT Programme deadlines: The first deadline is postponed from 23/3/2023 to 1/6/2023. The second deadline is postponed from 1/6/2023 to 1/12/2023. There…

Webinar for the Sponsorships Programme (SPONSORSHIPS/0323)

The Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF) organised on the 16th of March 2023 the webinar about the new Sponsorships programme and would like to inform any interested parties that the recording and the presentation are available on the…

R&I Internships 2023- Summer Internships for Students

Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) publishes the list of participating R&I Enterprises in the frame of which students have the opportunity to apply for internships between 15th of May 2023 and 30th of September 2023. The list of…

New Call for Proposals of the «Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity EIC» Programme (OPPTY_EIC/0323)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the new call for proposals for the «Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity EIC» Programme (OPPTY_EIC/0323). The call budget is €1.500.000. The maximum funding per project is €500.000. Proposals…

Online COST Info Day 2023

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), organises an Info Day in order to present the opportunities that COST offers to researchers. The event will take place on the 24 May 2023, 10:00 – 11:30 CET and the detailed agenda…

Announcement of the EURATOM Work Programme 2023-2025 & European Conference «Euratom Research in Action and Opportunities for Europe» (04 April 2023)

The Research and Innovation Foundation would like to inform interested Organisations and individuals on the announcement of the Work Programme 2023-2025 for the Euratom Research and Training Programme of the European Commission, with a total…

ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΤΙΚΗ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ «Εuropean Innovation Council Info Days»

Το Ίδρυμα Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας διοργανώνει μεταξύ 4-5 Απριλίου 2023, ενημερωτική εκδήλωση με τίτλο «European Innovation Council Info Days». Η εκδήλωση…

Update on the extension of the deadlines for RIF calls

Given the severity and extent of the problem faced by the University of Cyprus as a result of the ongoing cyber-attack on the University’s systems, the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) has decided to grant a deadline extension for…

Matchmaking event for the creation of the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage

The European Commission and the Net4SocietyHE project, organise an Information and Brokerage event on 28 March 2023 (11:00 CET),  focused on the creation of the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) that will be funded…

Webinar for the New Calls for Proposals of the «European Partnerships – Key Digital Technologies» (EP/KDT-IA/0223, EP/KDT-IA-FT/0223, EP/KDT-RIA/0223)

Following the announcement of the new Calls for Proposals of the «European Partnerships – Key Digital Technologies» (EP/KDT-IA/0223, EP/KDT-IA-FT/0223, EP/KDT-RIA/0223), the RIF is organizing a webinar to present the call and resolve queries…

Extension of the Deadline for the Call for Proposals PHD IN INDUSTRY/1222

Given the severity and extent of the problem faced by the University of Cyprus as a result of the ongoing cyber-attack on the University’s systems, the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) has decided to grant a deadline extension for…