Call for submission – “INNOVA Challenge” competition
The Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the open call for submission for the “INNOVA Challenge” student competition, as part of the “Nurturing an RTDI Culture” programme of the “RESTART 2016-2020” programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation.
The competition takes the form of an educational game, where students of Secondary General and Technical Education will compete for the development of an innovative product, service or process that will address the adaptation of Cyprus to the climate change. Through this game and using the guidance of a “coach” they choose, students will increase their knowledge around the product/service/process development process and they will enhance their critical thinking and their presentation skills.
The competition is addressed to students of Gymnasia (Category A) and Lycea(Category B) and Technical Schools (Category C) located in territories under the control of the Republic of Cyprus, or in occupied areas, given that they are under the responsibility and supervision of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth. Each team will have 3 to 8 members, who are expected to actively contribute in the design and implementation of all stages of the development of the new product/service/process.
Call Text (in Greek, updated 11/1/2023)
Declaration from Coach (in Greek)
Declaration of Parent/Guardian (in Greek)
For more information, interested parties should contact the RIF’s Partner Support Center, tel: 22205000, email: