Call for Applications – Science Journalism Residencies

The FRONTIERS project, funded by the European Research Council (ERC), announced a Call for Applications for journalists wishing to visit universities and research centre in Europe for 3-5 months. By fostering independent journalism in scientific topics, this initiative aims to offer opportunities to journalists to come in contact with the research environment and interact with scientists, learning from this experience.

The project also accepts requests from organisations willing to host journalists.

The deadline for the submission of applications is 5 March 2024 (17:00 Brussels).

The FRONTIERS project will support 40 journalists during the period 2023-2027 in order to visit research groups of their choice, working on topics of their interest. Recognising the crucial role that journalists play in the responsible and accurate communication of frontier research, the aim of the funding of these visits is the professional development of the journalists, fostering critical thinking and ethical reporting, strengthening mutual learning between scientists and journalists, and at the same time improving public trust in science and promoting interest for frontier research.

ERC receives funding from the Framework Programme of the EU for Research and Innovation 2021-2027, Horizon Europe.