BRIDGE2HORIZON Programme –Announcement of the BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823D Call for Proposals

The RIF informs any interested parties about the submission of Proposals until the 4th deadline, 15 April 2024, 13.00 local time. Proposals have to be submitted through the IRIS portal.

The call budget for this period is €1.656.071, and the maximum funding per project is €150.000.

The “BRIDGE2HORIZON” Programme aims to strengthen the capacities of Cypriot R&I entities and promote scientific excellence in specific thematic areas and fields of the Smart Specialization Strategy for Cyprus (S3CY) for the period 2023-2030 which are in turn aligned with the thematic priorities and challenges that the EU seeks to address in the context of upcoming Work Programmes of the EC’s Horizon Europe Programme for Research and Innovation. By extension, the Programme also aims to increase the coordination of collaborative projects and the leadership of pan-European networks by Cypriot entities in proposals submitted in Pillar II – Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness and the European Missions of the Horizon Europe Programme.

The present Call will be co-financed by the Republic of Cyprus and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the frame of the Operational Programme «ΘΑλΕΙΑ» 2021-2027.

Entities eligible to participate in this programme include Research Organisations, Enterprises and Other Organisations, while the Host Organisation must be a Research Organisation or Enterprise.

The documents for the current Call for Proposals (Call Documents) are available on the IRIS portal under the announcement of the Call.

For information regarding the RIF’s open calls, as well as useful documents and guides, interested parties can visit the IRIS portal.

For further information, interested parties may contact the RIF’s Partner Support Center by phone on 22205000 or via email at