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Early Submission of Proposals to the RIF Calls (checklists provided to support submission)

RIF recommends the timely submission of proposals, within a reasonable…
27/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

BRIDGE2HORIZON Programme – Complete of the Submission of Proposals for the BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823E Call

The submission of proposals for call BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823E of…
27/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

RIF: €1.6 million to accelerate innovation in the energy sector

27 June 2024
RIF: €1.6 million to accelerate innovation in…
27/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Completion of the Submission of Proposals for the Call for Proposals for the «Strengthening Innovation Support Structures» Programme (SUPSTRUCTURES/0524)

The submission of proposals for Call for Proposals SUPSTRUCTURES/0524…
26/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Webinar for the New Call for Proposals for the «Enterprises Capacity Building in New Product Development» Programme (NPD-CAPBLD/0624)

On June 25th 2024, the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF),…
26/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

RIF: €30,000 per company for new product development

19 June 2024

RIF: €30,000 per company for new product…
19/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

New Call for Proposals of the «Enterprises Capacity Building in New Product Development» Programme (NPD-CAPBLD/0624)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the new…
19/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas


The Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF) organised on the…
12/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Slush 2024: Expression of Interest for Participation of Cypriot Startups

The Research and Innovation Foundation, in the context of investigating…
07/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

RIF: One year of operation for the Central Knowledge Transfer Office

7 June 2024
RIF: One year of operation for the Central Knowledge…
07/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

RIF: Chatbot to enhance the partner support experience

6 June 2024

RIF: Chatbot to enhance the partner support…
06/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Announcement of Evaluation Results for the CODEVELOP-REPowerEU/1223 Call of the “Collaborative Development” Programme

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the evaluation…
06/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

New Call for Proposals of the «Innovation Factory – Support Scheme for Enterprises with High Growth Potential» Programme (INNOFACTORY-EIC/0624)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the new…
05/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Webinar for the New Call for Proposals for the «Strengthening Innovation Support Structures» Programme (SUPSTRUCTURES/0524)

On June 4th 2024, the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF),…
04/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

RIF: New funding programme to support innovation support structures

4 June 2024

RIF: New funding programme to support…
04/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Press Release – RIF’s presence at the Reflect Festival stood out!

3 June 2024

RIF's presence at the Reflect Festival stood…
04/06/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Online Info-day Grow your network via COST – European Cooperation in Science & Technology Tuesday 18 June 2024, 11:00 – 13:00

On 18 June 2024, from 11:00 am(CET+1) to 13:00 pm(CET+1), the…
30/05/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

New Call for Proposals of the «Strengthening Innovation Support Structures» Programme (SUPSTRUCTURES/0524)

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the new…
30/05/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Webinar for the New Call for Proposals for the «Innovation Vouchers» Programme (INNOVOUCHERS/0524)

On May 28th 2024, the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF),…
29/05/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Extension of the deadline for the submission of Application to the Call with Identifier SPONSORSHIPS/EVENTS/0524 of the Sponsorships Programme 2024

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the extension…
28/05/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

60 New COST Action– Participation Opportunities

The results of the Open Call 2023 of the European Programme COST…
27/05/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

Programme POST-DOC


Call Identifier

27/05/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

ERC Advanced Grant 2024: Webinar “Lump Sum Funding” and publication of Information for Applicants

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) would like to inform…
23/05/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas

BRIDGE2HORIZON Programme –Announcement of the BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823Ε Call for Proposals

The RIF informs any interested parties about the submission of…
23/05/2024/by Charisis Bitoulas
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