Programme – POST-DOC

Programme POST-DOC
Call Identifier POST-DOC/0524
Budget 2.500.000 Euro

1.000.000 Euro for “Life Sciences”

1.000.000 Euro for “Physical Sciences and Engineering”

500.000 Euro for “Social Sciences and Humanities”

Maximum funding/project 150.000 Euro for “Life Sciences” and “Physical Sciences and Engineering”  120.000 Euro for “Social Sciences and Humanities”
Addressed to Research Organisations (A1, A2), Enterprises (B1, B2, B3), Other Organisations (C1, C2)
Scope The “Post-Doc” Programme aims to integrate young, post-doctoral scientists in the Cypriot RTDI System, to carry out high level research projects, seeking to involve the young scientists in novel research activities, to stimulate critical mass of researchers in cutting-edge scientific areas and to create sustainable, top level specialised job positions for young scientists.

The Programme also aims to address the brain drain challenge which has increased in recent years.

Eligible Costs Personnel costs, Cost for Foreign Research Organisations, Instruments and Equipment Costs, Costs for External Services, Costs for Travelling Abroad, Consumables, Other Specific Costs, Overheads.

The calculation of the Proposal Budget will be based on the simplified cost method “Personnel costs plus 40% on Personnel Costs for covering the rest of the Project costs”.

Project Activities Basic Research and/or Industrial Research and/or Experimental Development activities.
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1-8
Closing date 5 July 2024, 13:00
Proposal submission Through RIF’s IRIS portal.